Elcogen winning European Business Awards 2019
Elcogen winning the Award for
Innovation at European Business Awards
2019 and Enn Õunpuu (CEO) is making a speech.
Where does Elcogen come from?
A country is never defined by it’s size or location. It’s the people in it. Elcogen’s innovative technology comes from the creative people as well as uniquely inspirational environment. Clean and efficient power generation is possible by using Elcogen’s world leading SOFC/SOEC fuel cell technology.
Watch videoElcogen - Aasta uuendaja 2020
Elcogen arendab ja toodab maailma kõige tõhusamat tahke oksiid elektrolüüdiga kütuseelementide tehnoloogiat. Kütuseelemendid on vesinikutehnoloogia liik, mis võimaldab energiat toota ja vesinikuks salvestada elektrokeemilise reaktsiooniga, ilma kütuseid põletamata.
Watch videoElcogen - World's most efficient SOFC
Elcogen has developed the next generation of fuel cell technology. Fuel cells are vital for a clean energy future, unlocking long-term storage for renewables.
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